Monday, April 14, 2014


As you can see, I have decided to start a non tumblog, for a few reasons, which I hope I shall be able to sum up here:

1. Tumblr is not as well laid out for writing deeply moving, personal posts and the like, and it would be my hope that this blog will be more about things I contemplate and things I do than it will be about people and things I obsess over most of the time.

2. I have several friends who keep blogs- Maggie, Caitlyn, and Claire- as well as my dear Mother. I find other people's blog very interesting to read and therefore I think I might possibly be interesting to others.

3. A blog can be used as a time capsule of sorts, and later in life I'll be able to look back on this and see how I've grown/how I used to be an idiot and the like.

4. Despite my claimed hatred of writing, I really only hate being forced to write, and as this blog is not forced in any way, I believe it will be a refreshing outlet for me to practice writing and hone those skills I rarely use.

That's all I can think of at the moment but I hope this can be fun and interesting for all of us involved, both for me in the writing and you in the reading.


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