Thursday, April 17, 2014


We do what we do because we want what we want. I think this phrase sums up my motivation problem pretty well. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to just get up and start laundry, or even to go get a drink to keep myself hydrated. We would call this problem laziness, but I would argue that it's a problem of misplaced priorities.
Many times what I want doesn't line up with what God wants. I want to sleep, I want to watch tv shows, I want to do what I want to do; and while I would never intentionally put it into words (although I am right now), I want what I want more than I want what God wants. This is a really flawed way of thinking that comes from a huge place of pride in my life.
1 Corinthians 10:31 states, "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." When I place my wants above God's, that shows that I'm more worried about doing things to the glory of Kate than to the glory of God.
We need to be sure to keep the Lord the focus of our entire lives, whether in keeping our house clean, or finishing work we've been given quickly, happily, and well. In fact, when we keep God at the center of our lives, we should be seeking out opportunities to serve others and to give the credit to God.
Try to keep in mind who is The Most High as you go about your daily life, and be encouraged by the fact that this same Most High has designed us to be at our happiest while glorifying Him.
Praise God that serving Him is a joyful thing!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Poem

So April is National Poetry Writing Month, and while I don't plan on writing a poem every day, I am sitting and waiting to see the lunar eclipse, so I wrote a small poem:

A month of rain clouds
Pouring out their tears
Raining from the heavens
In pear shaped drops
Leaving the sky forever

(hint: look at the first letter of each line)

Monday, April 14, 2014

An Introduction

Before I fully get started on this blog, I think it's proper that I introduce myself. Hello! My name is Kate, and I am 16 (for four more days aw yeah). I have two lovely parents and 5 younger siblings which I will tell you all about in a bit. My favorite color is yellow, and my favorite dessert is ice cream. I've been a Christian since I was very young, but only in the past few years have I really started to understand the meaning of that statement and the extent of God's grace. I am about to finish my junior year of high school, and although I have all my credits and could therefore graduate next month, I'm going to take a year to get a head start on some college classes. I plan on getting a college degree in either computer science or computer programming. And although I plan on getting a college degree and being educated, I greatly desire to be a stay-at-home mom. Of course I only want around two kids or so, which brings me to my family:

First, my parents. My Dad and Mom have been married for 17 years, and my Mom has birthed all six of us (in other words, none of us are adopted). My parents decided many years ago that the Lord had called them to homeschool their children. So after I had been in kindergarten for one semester, they pulled me out and I've been doing school from my bedroom ever since. Don't get me wrong, my parents have been very involved with my education. In fact, whatever they've done must work, I got a 32 on the ACT a couple months ago.

Mom loves drawing and painting and things. She's very artistically inclined. Oh and she's been trying to write a book for several years. Maybe when she finishes it I'll give away a signed copy or something. ;)

Dad is extremely intelligent and very computer savvy. He has a degree in computer science and he always knows how to fix a broken laptop or messed up router.

Next up we have all five of my younger siblings (nicknames will be given because of reasons):

1. Will- Will is my 13 year old brother who enjoys reading, playing board games, and playing video games. He's not very into sports and never has been. Recently we learned that he has a disease called Crohn's Disease which is an autoimmune disorder of the intestines. He was severely malnourished and was the size of a 9 year old, despite being 12. He was put on a feeding tube last year and, praise God, he has gained about 30 pounds and grown close to 3 inches.

2. Arwen- Arwen is your typical 9 year old girl. She loves dancing, and tea parties, and all that stuff. She's a bit of a drama queen, and has a tendency to diva-ness.

3. Nate- Nate is 7 and he is a type a personality. He's a "go go go" kinda guy and he enjoys exercising and running and having things in perfect order. One time I challenged him to a push-up competition and he did 100 while I only did 50. Dad still won't let me live it down.

4. Jack- Jack is a 5 year old follower. He has a few opinions, but he has no problem with following whatever crazy plan Nate has thought up. One time Nate and Jack decided to run away and while Nate, as detail oriented as he is, wore a thick coat and carried a packed suitcase, Jack had nothing except one small backpack with his karate gi. I think that sums him up pretty well.

5. Grace- Last but not least, Grace is 2 years old and she is a cute little girl if there ever was one. Her favorite movie is Frozen and she will grab the DVD case and yell, "Elsa! Elsa!". She also loves yelling at mom and I in loud drawn out ways. She loves pretending to ice skate and dance, and she sings Let It Go anytime it's mentioned.

Yep! So that's me and my family! I have a small Westie (that's a West Highland White Terrier-- a dog) named Ella and our family has a cat (we've had him since before Nate was born) named Stitch. Thanks so much for reading! Leave me a comment telling me what your favorite color is! :)


As you can see, I have decided to start a non tumblog, for a few reasons, which I hope I shall be able to sum up here:

1. Tumblr is not as well laid out for writing deeply moving, personal posts and the like, and it would be my hope that this blog will be more about things I contemplate and things I do than it will be about people and things I obsess over most of the time.

2. I have several friends who keep blogs- Maggie, Caitlyn, and Claire- as well as my dear Mother. I find other people's blog very interesting to read and therefore I think I might possibly be interesting to others.

3. A blog can be used as a time capsule of sorts, and later in life I'll be able to look back on this and see how I've grown/how I used to be an idiot and the like.

4. Despite my claimed hatred of writing, I really only hate being forced to write, and as this blog is not forced in any way, I believe it will be a refreshing outlet for me to practice writing and hone those skills I rarely use.

That's all I can think of at the moment but I hope this can be fun and interesting for all of us involved, both for me in the writing and you in the reading.