Friday, June 12, 2015

It's a Major Award

So as I said last night, I was catching up on some great blogs, and I noticed I've been nominated for a thing again? Thank you, Caitlyn, Maggie, and Faith.

The rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site
2. Put the award logo on your site
3. Answer the ten questions they asked you
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer

Here goes!

1. What is something you would want to say to the world?
The world as in humanity or as in the earth? To humanity: What the heck man why do you always go the wrong way? I know you "don't mean to" or whatever but like think before you act. To the earth: Thanks for always following God's plan exactly. Thanks for not fighting Him.
2. What TV show/movie would you want to be a part of making, and how would you help make it?
Okay so imagine a dragon. Got it? Okay yeah that's what the show is about. I'll help with like the musical scores or something.
3. What is your favorite character stereotype?
 I love when the nerdy characters turn out to be the most awesome. Because like, it's great.
4.What fairy tale creature (fairy, wizard, troll, enchantress, etc.) would you want to be and why?
DRAGON. Fire, beauty, scales, naps, gold. Sounds good to me.
5. What is your favorite genre to write in/read/watch?
Write - just depends honestly. I guess more real world stuff. Teen angst or something haha. Read - Scifi/real world/fantasy. Watch - sitcoms, secret agents, comedy i guess.
6. What kind of person do you want to be/become?
A person who doesn't have to say they're  a Christian for people to know.
7. What is stopping you from becoming that person?
Inaction. Misplaced trust. Brokeness.
8. What stocking stuffers do you want this Christmas?
Um that's a long time away.
9. What do you want?
Health, Happiness, A car.
10. Who hurt you?
A boy.

1. What's the best book you've read recently?
Not super super recent but I haven't read anything recently so Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. My fav book *thumbs up emoji*
2. What's your favorite song of all time? (aha, I've broken them. They'll never be able to answer this one)
Okay you can't even answer this one, Mags. But right now I would have to go with Fall Out Boy's I Don't Care
3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect? (Claire, your answer is rap)
Um. I don't know. Maybe.... I enjoy target shooting.
4. What is currently stressing you out?
I had to tell a friend I wasn't comfortable being as close as they wanted to be, and I'm a little stressed about them being okay.
5. What is a reason to not be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
I did what was required of me, and God is in control.
6. What is your favorite memory?
When I was little, we lived in a rental house in Cookeville TN. One time for my birthday, I remember that my grandparents made me close my eyes while they brought in my present and it was a barbie jeep that I had wanted. I was so so so excited. Also, I had like zero problems in those days other than having to go to bed early and sometimes take naps. You had it good, little Kate.
7. Who is your biggest role model, and why? ( you guys are not allowed to say me. I know it'll be tough, but... I don't make the rules. Oh wait, I do.)
Corrie Ten Boom's Sister Betsie. Such a picture of a person who truly loves Jesus.
8. Biggest pet peeve? (this question is so interesting to me... I don't know why.)
When people add an S to the end of grocery store names. ( e.g. Kroger's, Aldi's)
9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
That I can provide what my friends need. That I'm enough. That Jesus is optional in day to day life.
10. Finally, what are you currently eating/wishing you were eating? (saved the best for last, I did)
Well we have lasagna cooking and it smells super good so lasagna.

1. Would you rather time travel to the past, or the future? Why?
I think it would be cool to go either way but I also haven't thought through it enough to pick one?
2. What is the coolest/weirdest word you have ever heard of?
sesquipedalian - basically it means long words.
3. If you absolutely had to spend $100,000 on fuzzy socks or dinosaur pillowcases, which would you spend it on?

dinosaur pillowcases. I don't wear socks much.
4.What would you do if you lost your taste? (I would cry and think about all the delicious jellybeans I could have eaten)
I would be bummed but then I would eat stuff I had never like the taste of and save a lot of money
5.What is the most embarrassing thing you did in 2014?
Hahahahaha. oh 2014. Um. I crashed a car by accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brake.
6.What would you choose as your last words?
Um wow. I don' t know. *dies*
7. If you could look like anyone in the world, who would you choose?
Natalie Portman because wooow.
8. Why is your toe bleeding?
Tis not.
9. What did you just look at besides something on your computer?
Joseph holding part of our blender.
10. What is your current emotion? (bored, sad, tired, annoyed, excited etc)
11. Did you realize that I rebelled and made eleven questions?
Yes, yes I did, Faith.

And so concludes. All the bloggers I know have been nominated already so I will not be writing anymore questions. Sorry guys. If you really want some then if asked I'll post some to be answered in the comments. Thanks!


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